Sri Yukteshwar Giri (1855 - 1936)

Sri Yukteshwar Giri was one of the primary disciples of Lahiri Mahasaya, and the guru of Paramahamsa Yogananda. Known to have a firm exterior while being an ocean of compassion inside, he was often referred to as a "Jnana Avatar" having immense knowledge on various subjects. He was very adept at many eastern ande western scriptures including the "Holy Bible", which he felt was misinterpreted by many followers. He also has written a book called "The Holy Science" which disucces that the system of Yugas that are interpreted in Modern day have different interpretations. For instance, he and his followers believe that we are in the Dwapara Yuga now and slowy ascending towards a Satya Yuga, whereas a strict interpretation of the vedic texts would seem to incate that we are in the starting poins of the dark ages of Kali Yuga.